It's in a series of converted medieval mansions, which are just gorgeous and provide a fittingly impressive backdrop to such an incredible artistic collection.
The Project provides access to a vast collection of digitized historical documentation and photographic resources for educational purposes.
The Internet provides access to an astonishing collection of free and easily accessible content and information.
It houses over 160,000 volumes and also subscribes to hundreds of management journals and provides access to a large collection of electronic databases.
The school library contains a wide variety of reading materials personally selected for the students and provides access to a valuable collection of private research databases.
Source provides access to a collection of more than 25,000 published and unpublished resources related to health, disability and international development.
The Moncton Public Library provides access to a province-wide collection of more than 1.8 million items, 116,000 of which are on its shelves.
Edge Web Fonts provides access to a collection of online fonts, available for use in web documents.
It provides access to a large collection of information, with the emphasis on primary sources, or means to access them, rather than on existing genealogical research.
These databases also provide linkage to a broad collection of other biological and health-related information resources.