Victims are unable to locate themselves, and must live in houses filled with mirrors to provide constant visual feedback to ordinary activities.
Retirement communities are popular because they provide extra services such as bus transportation to shopping, trips and social activities geared to older people.
SOP's can also provide employees with a reference to common business practices, activities, or tasks.
Schools must provide students with disabilities appropriate access to school-sponsored extracurricular activities such as playing on sports teams.
The report highlights some keys to success and how banks provide access to credit, deposit services, and nontraditional activities.
Cards in one's tableau typically provide bonuses to various activities, in addition to providing victory points.
It provides a deeper level of transparency to activities that had been either partially or completely opaque.
The ASB's purpose is to provide money to the sports, clubs, and activities of the school.
The Squadron continues to provide airmanship training to young men and women in addition to other activities. provides basic information and links to specific biometric activities in the Federal government.