Affinity provides networking and support to conservative evangelical churches in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
It includes people from a number of Christian denominations and provides resources to Christians and churches.
It provides a range of tools, training and resources to churches to develop lay and ordained leaders and encourage church growth.
In 10 years of existence, Cornerstone has helped to rebuild 40 churches and has provided technical assistance to churches in 125 other communities.
These teams can provide music, dramatic presentations, and special speakers to churches, camps, and other organizations.
The organization also provides financial support to churches and other Christian organizations.
The Federation is providing technical assistance to churches and social service agencies wishing to set up programs to feed hungry people.
In addition, it agreed to provide an income to churches and seminaries.
They provide assistance to churches requesting advice or intervention and also have the authority to discipline ministers.
They also have a large installed sound business providing service to churches, businesses and schools.