Interstellar clouds also provide a medium to study the presence and proportions of metals in space.
Because they are simple systems, islands provide an opportunity to study processes of extinction that can be extrapolated to larger ecosystems.
Second, dinosaurs are part of a rich fossil record that provides numerous opportunities to study how life and the Earth have evolved together.
UNI provides an opportunity for the students to study in 80+ countries and select from over 1,000 programs.
The Fellowship provides funds for women to study aerospace science or engineering at the graduate level.
This provides the researchers to study further this species and its breeding habits.
Some groups offer religious teaching centers to their local communities, while others provide scholarships for students to study in their respective countries.
These versions thus provide an opportunity to study the practices of an Old English writer as he revises his own work.
Polls of the group before and after the process provide concrete measures of change for decision makers to study.
The college provides opportunities for students to study in an adult learning environment.