Some other caterers and service people said they were concerned about providing services to the President.
The main purpose of the Administration is to provide administrative, advisory, analytical, and legal assistance to the President.
A Board of Regents governs the university and provides direction to the President.
They must provide a legitimate reason to the President, and receive a majority vote in their favor.
The Center provides this information to the President, Congress, agency officials, and the general public to help them better understand and manage the regulatory process.
The data are provided to the President and Congress as part of the information on which U.S. trade policy is based.
The C-130 and its crew were a small part of the large military contingent that provides support to the President.
Its experts have provided staff support to the President for policy and management matters.
As required, the Council provided a report to the President within one year.
The Commission shall provide its advice and recommendations, analysis, and information directly to the President.