This layer should provide a link to the more detailed full text.
Its website provides free access to the full text of recent articles and book reviews.
The Library also provides access to over the full text of over 32,000 electronic journals and newspapers.
For the states with a Castle Doctrine, an external link is provided to the text of the specific statute, if available.
This page provides links to the full text of key pieces of environmental legislation relating to air pollution.
Bibliographical database, with more than 280,000 records, of which nearly 14,000 provide abstracts and links to the full text of the documents.
Bibliographical database with more than 315,000 records, of which near 60,000 provide abstracts and links to the full text of the documents.
Clicking on the title of the item will provide more detail such as an abstract or a link to the full text if these are available.
The definition proposed by the Greens is much more vague and does not provide any added value to the text adopted by the Committee.
More recently, the database provides access to the electronic full text of articles, books as well as images and sound recordings.