The station was the main one in the town until it closed in 1958, leaving the current Ammanford station providing trains for the area.
These orders would override the established timetable priorities and provide trains with explicit instructions on how to run.
Services which provide trains for both rural villages and holidaymakers will be cut.
The Great Northern Railway also provided trains between 1880 and 1916.
Opened to serve the colliery, the station closed, leaving the current Ammanford station providing trains for the area.
It has invested to provide many new stops in the city, and new trains and rails too.
Long-distance intercity services do not depart from all termini, but each terminus provides trains to a particular part of the country.
The practice was to provide separate trains for each of the level stretches and passengers would walk between them.
However, in recent years the Italian Ansaldobreda has also provided trains for the wide-profile lines.
Long-distance express services provided by other operators provide additional trains to some City Line stations.