Not surprisingly, incumbent officeholders are reluctant to vote for laws that will provide voters with information about their opponents.
New Yorkers must demand that the leaders of both political parties meet their obligations and provide voters with a choice of candidates every year.
But some black Democrats say they favor the plan because it will provide black voters with direct representation in the county government for the first time.
Backers of these sites say the public needs a politics portal that will provide voters with information about all candidates in one visit.
If he does, he will provide voters with a new degree of freedom.
The justices said states should sharply increase their efforts to provide voters with information about judicial candidates.
He spent much of his campaign time talking about his accomplishments instead of providing voters with a vision.
That would ease the advantages of incumbency and provide voters with a choice in more elections.
He also complained that the proposal did nothing to provide voters with more property tax relief.
To what extent are political professionals obliged "to provide voters with a robust and relevant presentation of the important issues at stake" in a campaign?