Provides instruction and professional training mainly in the fields of science and technology, with an emphasis on agriculture and industry.
The school is committed to providing academic excellence with an emphasis on independent thinking and scholarship.
The texts draw from the best of older versions but providing much new material with an emphasis on accuracy.
Vince Giordano's Nighthawks provided the music for dancing, with an emphasis on the 1940's.
Founded in 1912 as a mission school, its mission statement is "Providing a quality education with a Christian emphasis".
It provides education for boys from Year 7 to Year 12, with an emphasis on sporting and academic programs.
Most are designed to provide newcomers with quick introductions to the sports in question, with an emphasis on safety and fun.
All pupils will be provided with an excellent grammar school education, with a strong emphasis on high academic standards.
The School generally provided a commercial education with an emphasis on business, bookkeeping and shorthand, leading to the junior certificate.
The tables below provide data on demographic change over time in Jerusalem, with an emphasis on the Jewish population.