Elsewhere most provincial banks change only US dollars or baht, though you might get lucky.
Yet, despite this expansion effort, the bank felt the effects of competition from provincial banks like Lloyds and Midland.
Once upon a time, Argentina's government-owned national and provincial banks supported the nation's debts.
The situation was exacerbated by the multitude of commercial, provincial and foreign banks issuing currencies all at different values.
He was originally a clerk in a provincial bank, and came to London to push his fortune.
Around 1650, a cloth merchant, Thomas Smith opened the first provincial bank in Nottingham.
By 1784, there were more than 100 provincial banks.
Although the provincial coinages mostly ended in the 1920s, the provincial banks continued issuing notes until 1949, including Communist issues from 1930.
Even so, the abnormal number of requests for references that poured in from provincial and oversea banks was bound to set him wondering.
We have to move all that money away from Chambers, back to all those little provincial banks.