When the family later returned to England, Eva apparently disliked the rigid and provincial Victorian society.
The resultant Diary was a huge success, with its witty observations on friends, family, provincial society and metropolitan literati.
They worried instead that in a provincial society, citizens would never be well enough informed to make an effective choice without multiple and expensive rounds of elections.
He served as president of the provincial archaeological society.
Scripted characters reflected a far less mobile, provincial society, in which people were more apt to spend their entire lives in one part of the country.
She was a handsome, head- strong girl, a rebellious and violent force in a provincial society.
This led to the creating of a provincial agricultural society in 1818.
America wasn't a provincial society.
These more travelled members of this provincial society would return to their Somerset estates and country houses with the latest architectural ideas.
His, more than any other character, must embody the provincial society beyond the women's home, and Ray's irritable restlessness is eloquent on the subject.