Although required of all voters, some provisions were selectively applied against African Americans.
Thus, particular constitutional provisions were applied based on location, rather than on citizenship.
The second section of the Act provides for various instances where the active provisions may be applied differently, or not at all.
This provision was never applied, as no Union warships were destroyed by privateers.
Member States must ensure that the provision is applied effectively, so as to improve the safety and well-being of their citizens.
Hence, the advantages outweigh some problems that will emerge as the provisions of this decision are applied.
However, it is equally important that its provisions be applied in places where they are not yet in effect.
The Charter's provisions can be applied directly by national courts, thereby also giving them great responsibility.
You start by accepting that the provisions of the Treaty are not being correctly applied.
However, it is obvious that if screening is not performed, the provision cannot be applied.