These thoughts are posed in "Revolt Against Destiny," a provocative analysis of how this nation was created and where it stands.
"There is nowhere else to turn in popular culture for such an explicit and provocative analysis of blue-collar life."
But there's also a healthy tradition of insightful and provocative automotive analysis beyond the raw numbers.
In 1997 our reviewer, James Q. Wilson, called this provocative analysis "defiant, even angry, often right and sometimes wrong."
Escobar's research uses critical techniques in his provocative analysis of development discourse and practice in general.
To that provocative analysis I would add another point.
His provocative analysis recommends a better-balanced reading of our past and a wise use of that base for determining our common future.
The outcome of the book's central mystery disappoints, but Kumin's highly original prose and her provocative analysis of human nature captivate.
In the article, she gives a provocative analysis which became the driving force for recharacterizing graphic design education in the United States.
It's a provocative analysis, based on an imaginative blend of psychology and history.