Just some of the provocative conclusions and figures, with the notation that it's a draft economic analysis being undertaken by whoever.
Moreover, there is very compelling evidence that an all-powerful, all-knowing God not only does not exist but cannot exist, a conclusion both surprising and provocative.
And it complains that America's spy agencies are too cautious, that they "shy away from provocative conclusions."
And what provocative conclusions the authors extrapolate in their own active participation!
Sternhell's most original and provocative conclusion is that the closest European analog to labor Zionism, and a direct influence upon it, was national socialism.
Their provocative conclusion makes it easier to forget lulls and weaknesses in the vignettes.
While the evening leads to no provocative conclusions, it gently stimulates its audience to reconsider its own relationship with literature.
From such an abundance of data, Hacker draws some provocative conclusions.
Ms. Diba, who worked for five years on this show, brings it to a provocative conclusion with a single 1907 political cartoon from an Iranian newspaper.
A serious examination of the evidence leads to the provocative yet undeniable conclusion that the economic benefits of high-quality geriatric care will outweigh its costs.