Kael's sleek, short entries read like mini-Barthes essays: provocative, polished and idiosyncratic.
At 57 minutes long, "Water and Power" is repetitious, but it is a provocative, ambitious and visually stunning essay.
This can be seen in several provocative essays included here about aspects of fiction writing.
Her often provocative essays and speeches sometimes drew criticism.
That is the essence of Mr. Wattenberg's news, and it might have been the kernel of a provocative essay.
Eccentric Oxford literary magazine, ripe with mad but provocative essays, and so unlikely to survive it's highly collectable.
Perhaps best known for his provocative essay "Can Poetry Matter?"
These marvelously provocative essays, many previously published in various periodicals, shine with honesty and tenderness.
"American Apocalypse" is a very provocative essay on the subject of what might be termed civic belief, those secular myths by which society understands itself.
It is a series of provocative essays that encourage readers to reconsider the role of beauty in art.