Hussein Chalayan proved he possessed such power with his spring 1998 collection in England last season, a provocative exploration of Islamic women's place in society using the chador as the fulcrum.
But it is certainly true that Schiele was most alive as an artist in his provocative explorations of his own body and those of young women.
The provocative exploration of consciousness, though, is priceless.
Then, Mr. Mishima was a writer well known for his imaginative and provocative explorations of the past and present meaning of being Japanese.
So the stage is cleverly set for what could be a provocative exploration of modern biology and controversial genetic research.
In many later episodes, in fact, the crimes often became background to intense, provocative explorations of the police officers' reactions to the crimes they investigated.
Griftopia has been described as a "relentlessly disturbing, penetrating exploration" as well as a "provocative exploration" of the events leading to the financial crisis.
"Lyra's Oxford" is a provocative exploration of traps and trust, awareness and intuition.
To the Editor: John Canemaker's article "Slip- sliding Between Animation and Reality" $(Nov. 24$) is a provocative exploration of just how much audiences can or will accept in an animated feature.