Just restored to print, this is "a serious, provocative novel," Jonathan Yardley wrote in these pages in 1972.
Two brothers, one a junior national chess champion, are pitted against an advanced chess-playing computer program in this "provocative" novel.
Ms. Tennant, known as a literary author of provocative and unconventional novels, was an unexpected choice for the next sequel.
No scholarly, and intellectually provocative, historical novel has been this much fun since The Name of the Rose".
Despite occasional logical lapses, "The Giver," a powerful and provocative novel, is sure to keep older children reading.
Brad Leithauser's provocative new novel, "Hence," is set in the future but a familiar one: in 1993, just seven years from the millennium.
Three essentially separate story lines, with morbidly alienated main characters, link up at the end of Chaon's unremittingly dark and provocative novel.
A moving and provocative novel, "In the Deep Midwinter" marks a fine debut.
Ignatieff ponders the costs of bearing witness in this provocative novel.
An unarguable point, but readers of this strange, provocative novel may nevertheless find themselves stuck on questions of motive, that "dubious 'why' nonsense."