There were a great many more men than women, and the one thing most likely to provoke trouble among them was that imbalance in numbers.
The music of 2 Live Crew has provoked legal trouble before.
Your friend Adams, for one, is anxious to provoke trouble.
However, this provoked trouble locally as public rights of way were affected, so no development ever took place.
And he made no moves to provoke further trouble.
But it ended the day concerned that the demonstration called for today was intended to intimidate the new government and provoke trouble in the streets.
At the moment he had only questions for Blaisdell, but with any luck his questions would provoke trouble.
"Granted, but I honestly believe we're provoking trouble by displaying our anticipation of it!"
Now we still have ideological differences, but we don't provoke day-to-day trouble.
Seems that Riley saw in this morning's affair a magnificent opportunity for provoking trouble.