"He advocated that you could be a prudent investor and still take social and human rights issues into account when you made investment decisions."
Any prudent investor would build up a cash position.
Because he was a prudent investor, Herzog did not have to depend on the sale of his artwork to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.
Many financial planners say that for prudent investors, now is the time to deal with inflation - before prices actually spike.
Having all your eggs in one basket is quite risky, and prudent investors diversify as soon as it makes economic sense.
"One major goal is that you can still hold onto your beliefs and still be a prudent investor."
Before putting your money down, a prudent investor should research many aspects of a company's stock.
What prudent investor can afford to drink a bottle of wine that might net several hundred dollars profit the next day at an auction?
No prudent investor who really understood the risks of these investments would have been taken in.
There, all prudent investors and speculators only invest in renewables when it comes to energy technology.