His new direction represents a prudent response to revolutionary shifts in the strategic landscape.
The Suozzi tax plan he voted for was a prudent and responsible response to a fiscal mess.
Senator Mitchell called economic sanctions "the most prudent and likely effective response at the current time."
Military officials said that their plans entailed painful reductions in personnel, weapons and spending and that they represented a prudent response to a changing world.
The proposed law, which has strong bipartisan support and is favored by many educational groups, looks like a prudent response to an undeniable risk.
The prudent response to the resultant inflationary pressures would be to cut the budget deficit.
"Others found it to be a good, prudent response."
"A prudent response," he said, reaching for the isolinear filaments.
Police Commissioner Howard Safir's decision to boost transit patrol strength from 2,200 to 2,500 last month was a prudent response.
The prudent response, however, is not to abolish probation and parole, but to reinvent them.