In the face of such uncertainty, those who might be at the greatest risk, like pregnant women and children, could prudently avoid such plastics.
However, he prudently avoided mentioning that there were other reasons behind the robot Brain's inclusion of Arkonides and Zalites in his plans.
It is an elaborately produced conventional history that, like any packaged tour, prudently avoids provocation.
Cicero, rather forced to pick sides, chose to favour Pompey, but at the same time he prudently avoided openly alienating Caesar.
Perhaps it was driven by the "monkey complex"-that irritating, incomprehensible need that drove Earthlings to seek out excitement instead of prudently avoiding it.
In this case, however, I'll prudently avoid specifics.
He suggested questions I should ask of them, when I had mastered their language, and what questions of theirs I might prudently avoid answering.
But he prudently avoided my questions.
As I deem myself a prudent man, I shall prudently avoid delving more deeply into the question.
Therefore, Remo prudently avoided even talking during the soaps and never threw food away in front of Chiun.