It's quite unlike any psi phenomenon I have experienced.
The independence of psi phenomena from space and time makes it impossible to explain them by any known physical theory.
Has Dr. Rhine and his associates given psi phenomena a sound empirical basis, or is his research highly suspect by scientific standards?
Naturally he has explanations for this, but is it surprising that "orthodox" psychology hesitates to accept the existence of psi phenomena as proven?
Many people categorize forms of religious prayer with ESP and other psi phenomena.
The study of psi phenomena such as ESP is called parapsychology.
Each Bard has a particular speciality within the arts that is central to its life; specialities including both mundane activity and psi phenomena.
A typical measure of psi phenomena is statistical deviation from chance expectation.
We say we have encountered a psi phenomenon or the workings of a psi focus.
It is a part of the whole unknown field of psi phenomena that seems to be independent of time.