Other new psoriasis treatments are also close to FDA approval, bringing hope to millions of psoriasis sufferers.
If you're among the vast majority of psoriasis sufferers, you've probably found that your psoriasis symptoms improve in the spring and summer.
Doctors and psoriasis sufferers don't always agree on what's mild and what's serious.
"Lack of sunshine can make life harder for psoriasis sufferers," she says.
And many psoriasis sufferers report that their symptoms get better during the summer and worse in the winter.
(and dry skin - a great many psoriasis sufferers are also dyslexic, and fish oil relieves both symptoms for each person)
In a 2008 National Psoriasis Foundation survey of 426 psoriasis sufferers, 71 percent reported the disease was a significant problem in everyday life.
These could be signs of psoriatic arthritis, which effects up to 30% of psoriasis sufferers and can be eased and possibly slowed with early treatment from a rheumatologist.
Zoe will continue to monitor the progress of both our psoriasis sufferers over the coming months and keep us up to date with how they're doing.
How this age-old remedy helps psoriasis sufferers remains something of a mystery.