Brevity is the only flaw of "Flashback/Flash Forward," which features incandescent lighting by Susan Hamburger, who, in the work's darker moments, transforms the stage into a psychedelic dream, casting luminous purple and red beams on the performers.
"Shooting a cycling race is like being in a psychedelic dream," says Dominic Nahr, who photographed the Rwandan cycling team for this week's story by Philip Gourevitch.
For example, a large 1952 watercolor by Charles Burchfield, the eccentric painter from Buffalo, shows colorful weeds sprouting by a railroad line as if in a psychedelic dream; a 1961 sculpture by Richard Stankiewicz incorporates chains and rusted strips of iron to make a cartoon face.
It was even money he'd turn up with an "unsuitable" girlfriend, bingeing on something, or chasing psychedelic dreams in the clubs.
The one who had cleared his hand wand triggered it as he fell, but the pulse only patterned the dust on the walk harmlessly, forming complex geometric designs from a psychedelic dream.
D Map On the northeast edge of Plaza Morelos, the Santuario de Guadalupe feels like the set piece from Willy Wonka's psychedelic spiritual dream.
DMCPA produces open-eye visuals, anorexia, and psychedelic dreams.
It was unreal, as if she had suddenly been dropped into the middle of a psychedelic dream.
This leads Dev into a psychedelic dream of dancing girls, only to wake up and find himself having an argument in a cafe with what appears to be his girlfriend.
This sends him into another psychedelic dream.