The music was a blend of psychedelic pop, punk and elements of progressive rock.
The four band members met at a party and created a psychedelic pop, progressive band.
They bridged the difficult period between the psychedelic pop of 1967 and the progressive/heavy rock of 1970.
Come early to hear the pistachio-flavored psychedelic pop of Granddaddy.
Their sound is often categorized as psychedelic pop, folk rock, and experimental.
At times the sound and structure of psychedelic pop is dragged and muffled to good effect.
The album's music draws on funk, soul, psychedelic pop, and rock music.
Produced by the Beach Boys, the album includes songs that span across variety of different genres including hard rock, country and psychedelic pop.
The Coral, from Liverpool, plays varieties of psychedelic pop that are older than the band members.