The causal pathway Marmot identifies concerns the psychic benefits of "being in control" of one's life.
But the indirect and the sort of psychic benefits far outweigh it.
Arguably, the airport delays are worth it just because travelers feel safer: purely psychic benefits do count.
The psychic benefits of supporting policies that feel good but are in fact harmful may be greater than these small expected costs.
Some experts say even if there is little cognitive benefit, there may be psychic benefit to mental exercises.
Once again a product was modified to provide a psychic benefit.
This is a lot of hoops to jump through for a relative few "psychic" benefits.
On the other hand, a psychic benefit occurs when one of the rewards of an action or choice are non-monetary.
The mirror image of a psychic cost is a psychic benefit.
At another point, he argues that migrant women receive psychic benefits from working in a liberated environment and providing for their families back home.