"I want to lift the psychic burden on my family," she said.
She had inherited no psychic burden from her genetic sires.
Even if he felt as dizzy as he had before the lexorin he'd taken to relieve the psychic burden had kicked in, he fought toward contact.
Having an overachieving sibling can be one of the great psychic burdens of modern life, so it is easy to work up a certain amount of sympathy for Neil Bush.
The judgment is merely esthetic, in Ms. Sontag's view, and adds an illegitimate psychic burden to the patient's physical sufferings.
Savings: over 20 minutes, not counting lifting the psychic burden of having to witness the most unmoving death scene ever committed to film.
He knew of only one real flaw in this armament, but it was a daunting one-the inevitable psychic burden of carrying both Swords drawn at the same time.
He had been allowed no time to recover from his skirmish with the demon before being subjected to the psychic burden of carrying the two Swords.
That would seem to reduce the psychic burden.
But it also imposes a great "psychic burden" upon the individual and the social order as well.