Here he examines the psychic process known as dissociation, the ability to seal off compartments in the mind.
Freud differentiated between mourning, a dynamic psychic process, and melancholia, which is obsessive, chronic, stagnant.
And often instincts are beyond reason, beyond psychic processes.
We use the words in the sense of a psychic process by which the mind protects itself from undue or unbearable pain, anxiety or conflict.
The id is the unconscious reservoir of libido, the psychic energy that fuels instincts and psychic processes.
Thus, the journey of the Sungod can also be seen as a symbolic representation of an inner psychic process of transformation and renewal.
The connection between psychic and political processes may seem, at first sight, tenuous.
The method's general effect is advocated as a non-specific amplification of a person's psychic process, which facilitates the psyche's natural capacity for healing.
It is intra psychic processes serving to provide relief from emotional conflict and anxiety.
According to him they were methods for work and were meant to tone up and harmonise the psychic processes going on in disciples.