Most expressed the psychic satisfactions of making it on their own.
Winning prizes, of course, brings psychic satisfaction, particularly if it translates into future commercial value.
This is a good way to put yourself into a sanctimonious mood, and it offers some psychic satisfaction.
Most likely, she wanted the psychic satisfaction that she associates with eating well-marketed snacks.
To a child of clear space like Simeon, the psychic satisfaction provided by this view was enormous.
He used to derive psychic satisfaction from clotheslining the opposition and winning world championships with a silent-movie-villain snicker.
There's a lot of psychic satisfaction to being on the show.
Apparently the psychic satisfaction of the job makes up for the 12-hour days and material privations.
"You get the psychic satisfaction of making the donation, and you also get some fairly significant tax benefits in the bargain."
But sometimes it's not about the math, it's about the psychic satisfaction; essentially, it's like free money.