Finally, having extracted whatever psychic toll she sought from these delays, Claudette stepped back, inviting them in without word or gesture.
Others are merely thinking about it, wondering about the tradeoffs, and the psychic toll.
What is the psychic toll of her tortured struggle between personal and public morality?
Violence inflicted by human beings exacts a greater psychic toll than the impersonal cruelty of nature, studies show.
What if the nerves were already shot, the damage wreaked, the psychic toll taken?
Off screen, in real life, some argue, a medical procedure that necessarily tampers with identity might take an unacceptable psychic toll.
Depressive disorders exert an enormous psychic, physical and financial toll on society.
A musicians' strike in 2003 exacted at least a psychic toll, as orchestra strikes invariably do.
What is less talked about, social scientists say, is the psychic toll that segregation can take on whites.
She has become a symbol of the psychic toll of New York life.