But the Bakori knew how to dredge them up and leave all man's psychic wounds raw in the sun.
We've got a psychic wound in the country and the country's artists are usually the people who work those psychic wounds out.
For the public - both in lower Manhattan and across the country - fastening on architecture was a way to heal a deep psychic wound.
Why deny effective treatment for psychic wounds, when we can do more than wait for time to heal?
"It was apparent that his psychic wounds would probably never heal."
There are more black people in the middle class, but we haven't healed our psychic wounds.
We've suffered a physical and psychic wound that requires surgery, not stitches.
The psychic wounds may be harder to fix.
Her desire and ability to do so may, she acknowledges, be evidence of deep psychic wounds.
Even if protesters do not vent their anger at the troops, there are some who argue that any demonstrations will cause psychic wounds.