There are all sorts of symbolic and mythological and psychoanalytic interpretations, you can imagine.
The second half of "Psychiatry and the Cinema" is devoted to a series of more or less psychoanalytic interpretations of individual movies.
They dismiss psychoanalytic interpretations of their work as "these inexplicable, learned things."
The merits of this psychoanalytic interpretation, however, are currently under debate.
Ms. Bourgeois's autobiographical comments and quirky, often psychoanalytic interpretations are engagingly included on many of the pink identification cards.
The book was highly praised by Rudolf Steiner and was a direct predecessor of psychoanalytic interpretation.
Whenever I criticize you in any way, you throw another psychoanalytic interpretation at me.
These exchanges informed Lacan's late teaching on psychoanalytic interpretation.
Doniger contributed the Sanskrit expertise while Kakar provided a psychoanalytic interpretation of the text.