It has published articles on psychoanalytic perspectives on prejudice due to race, sexuality, and religion.
The Society seeks to help establish and sustain a community of thinkers and practitioners who share an interest in examining organizations from a psychoanalytic perspective.
It explores a number of films from a psychoanalytic theoretical perspective.
This is unfortunate because a psychoanalytic perspective would have clarified and illuminated crucial aspects of these issues for your readers.
Multiple self-states, the relational mind, and dissociation: A psychoanalytic perspective.
From Kristeva's psychoanalytic perspective, abjection is done to the part of ourselves that we exclude: the mother.
Critics have objected that in psychoanalytic perspective, what appears to be a talking cure may only be a placebo.
Vergote has written extensively on the subject of the psychology of religion, as distinct from his psychoanalytic perspective.
It is also more tentative because much of the material has been developed by using a psychoanalytic perspective and so is about people's subjective experiences.
To the best of my knowledge there has been only one sustained examination of mass production undertaken by someone using a psychoanalytic perspective.