The discussions were thus foundational in defining the nature of psychoanalytic thought and practice in the UK.
Freud and beyond: A history of modern psychoanalytic thought.
This is considered by many to be her great contribution to psychoanalytic thought.
In psychoanalytic thought and practice the mind is regarded as a process and not a thing:
Berne's work began to diverge from the mainstream of psychoanalytic thought.
The 12-step programs encourage this nonsense with their obtuseness about psychoanalytic thought.
With each new book, Phillips has made psychoanalytic thought livelier and more poetic than ever; he has nothing to apologize for.
There were, however, thinkers who disagreed with Freud, which led to the proliferation of schools of psychoanalytic thought.
Self psychology has had (and continues too have) an enormous impact on psychoanalytic thought and practice throughout the world.
In 2006 she was working on a book on the importance of radical psychoanalytic thought to current social and political issues.