They annually throw away many millions of dollars of quite good and quite usable merchandise because buying new things is almost a psychological compulsion with them.
Addiction is a psychological compulsion to use a drug despite harm that often persists long after all physical withdrawal symptoms have abated.
Bruttenholm was allowed, under heavy psychological compulsion, to return to America, where Rasputin and Sadu-Hem installed themselves below Cavendish Hall.
The rote smirking at McCarthy by conservatives is linked to their own psychological compulsion to snobbery.
Is it some kind of psychological compulsion?
Some kind of psychological compulsion to bury your sexual history?
Once, long centuries past, con-sentients with a psychological compulsion to "do good" had captured the government.
The imagination of the artist, it seems, cannot merely run riot but must follow an inner psychological compulsion.
This made-for-TV case is the nadir of our fascination with celebrity, psychological compulsions, victimhood and redemption.
Perhaps only in France could people's literary impulses appear so widespread and insistent that, according to André, they must be controlled, like a physical itch or a psychological compulsion.