Nor is the author very interested in psychological detail.
She didn't know the psychological details of the tragedy, only the more public, legal ones.
Mr. Hazlewood's strategy also draws attention to the lack of psychological detail in the central love triangle, which isn't good.
Also to be noted as a quality in that game are the psychological details of the characters and of the situations.
This is true, if what is meant is specific sociological and psychological detail.
Carrère would become a reporter, pursuing the psychological and factual details he would need for a book.
It was a fine, psychological detail of which Casey was secretly rather proud.
There is no social setting at all, no dramatic context, no interest in the visual and psychological details of that world.
This novel not only lacks the nuanced, psychological detail of "Anywhere" but it also tries to do something very different.
"The Heiress" is all too neat in its form, but it's also rich in psychological detail.