What's more, she's got the psychological equilibrium to find optimistic material she can put across just as passionately.
The ghola was developing a nerve-muscle equilibrium that, given time, might be matched to a psychological equilibrium at least equal to Teg's.
Upon immediate disruption of either psychological or physical equilibrium the body responds by stimulating the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems.
But part of his support system or not, he had no right to erode Linda's confidence, her psychological equilibrium.
Among the things mentioned are that religions help keep a psychological equilibrium and that they provide a certain amount of stability to a society.
"Exposure through media to graphic details," he wrote, "can be potentially disruptive to the fragile psychological equilibrium they are so desperately attempting to regain and maintain."
Stress occurs due to a demand that exceeds the individuals coping ability, disrupting their psychological equilibrium.
Stress refers to a life event or series of events that disrupt a person's psychological equilibrium and potentially serves as a catalyst to the development of a disorder.
By whatever name, it has to do with getting to an opponent's mind, upsetting his concentration, disrupting his psychological equilibrium.
It is endangering the psychological equilibrium and the development of a stable personality in today's children, who are tomorrow's citizens of the European Union.