During the trial, the psychological evidence was also called into question, as it appeared biased and lacking in weight.
Professor West endorsed the psychological evidence that the social background of the defendants was at variance with the offense of murder.
For example, a belief that 'I see red' could be defeated with psychological evidence showing my mind to be confused or inattentive.
This view is particularly supported by psychological experimental evidence for prototypicality effects.
Yet psychological evidence has been found that the more aggressive sports result in increased aggressive behavior when the sport is not being played.
She had to admit that she hadn't found any psychological evidence that significantly strengthened the case against Lucy.
Her dispute with disgust rests largely on psychological evidence.
The biological, psychological and anthropological evidence is strongly against this unitary notion of intelligence.
Mr. Levin also oversimplifies the psychological evidence on moral development.
Between these two-other members have paid attention to psychological and material evidence in varying proportions.