However, depending on the path that the family experiences after treatment, there are additional psychological repercussions for caregivers.
Along with psychological repercussions of cancer, some caregivers also experience physical effects due to caregiving.
"The psychological repercussions alone might affect her for the rest of her life."
Implantation, if successful, would result in the birth of her biological child and could have lifelong emotional and psychological repercussions.
Their prolonged removal has serious psychological repercussions which may dramatically affect their future lives.
A low appraisal can have a serious financial impact, but the psychological repercussions can sometimes be just as devastating.
There would be serious political and psychological repercussions - everybody would say there's no chance at all now for any arms control.
One may have to lie in order to hold a secret, which might lead to psychological repercussions.
For most victims, crime has various psychological and moral repercussions that continue long after the crime has been committed.
On the other hand, separating children from their biological parents and place of origin can have adverse psychological, social and educational repercussions.