Noted film critic Jeffrey Lyons played himself explaining the film's psychological subtext to FBI agents on the case.
Given the damaging effects of Guido's severe parochial upbringing (replete with flogging), the satanic, religious and psychological subtexts cannot be ignored.
But instead of finding a hidden psychological subtext, he finds a psychological and erotic blankness in couplings that are never completed.
Ms. Darboven's deadpan eloquence derives from the tension between serene structure and chaotic content, a psychological subtext of much Minimal art.
The dramatic or psychological subtexts evolve as the dance develops, through our group discussions about where the work wants to go.
Here he plumbs the psychological subtext of "Lady and the Tramp."
If you're interested in the characters' psychological subtext, such as it is, pay close attention to these creatures.
"There is a psychological subtext to that, about being in a culture where you are not valued and so you have to value yourself."
Michelle Federer, as Elphaba's wheelchair-bound sister, embodies a clunky psychological subtext with surprising grace.
There are psychological subtexts in his approach.