However, the man seemed immune to every sort of psychological tactic.
Watson has consistently better reaction time on the buzzer once it has generated a response, and is immune to human players' psychological tactics.
It is actually a simple psychological tactic: make something hard to find, and people, at least Manhattan's voracious scene-seekers, will want it all the more.
Bowman was also known for psychological tactics that motivated players and sometimes embittered them.
They also asked for a temporary halt to any psychological tactics that might be under way.
Mr. Daniels employed psychological tactics to chip away at the rancor.
He also tries to threaten Kishen with psychological tactics.
Some Ranger players liked Keenan; others chafed under his psychological tactics.
The organization also holds no apparent qualms about using other types of psychological tactics as they wage war on the world's government.
When recruiters use psychological tactics, we call it a "stress test."