Like other professors, legal psychologists generally conduct and publish empirical research, teach various classes, and mentor graduate and undergraduate students.
Many legal psychologists also conduct research in a more general area of psychology (e.g., social, clinical, cognitive) with only a tangential legal focus.
In the last decade, psychologists and economists have conducted numerous studies to determine how accurately people can predict their emotional reactions to future events.
However, many psychologists have conducted studies and researched the model to show that only priming and not word frequency is interacted with stimulus degradation.
Following the Second World War, psychologists conducted research into the different motives and tendencies that account for ideological differences between left and right.
The withdrawal included support from logistic experts from Australia, a psychologist to conduct end-of-tour debriefings, and a finance officer.
For years, sociologists and psychologists have conducted studies on cognitive development or the construction of human thought or mental processes.
These psychologists provided companies with psychological profiles and conducted audits concerning a firm's susceptibility to unionization.
Save the Children says that this psychologist never conducted such an interview with Youssouf.
The teams have been criticized as unproductive; the psychologists on the teams, for instance, conducted 1.4 evaluations a week, according to the task force.