A psychologist might contribute to the team's assessment by providing a psychological formulation or behavioral analysis, which is an analysis, through systematic observation, of the factors which trigger or perpetuate the presenting problems.
Philosophers, art historians and critics, perceptual psychologists and other researchers in the arts and social sciences have contributed to the debate and many of the most influential contributions have been interdisciplinary.
Engineering psychologist contribute to the design of a variety of products, including dental and surgical implements, cameras, toothbrushes and bucket seats for cars.
This Manual is prepared under the aegis of the American Psychiatric Association, but psychologists contribute to this process by participating in its working groups.
Learn how great psychologists have contributed to our knowledge of psychology.
The mental-health scripts were prepared by psychiatrists at Four Winds hospital in Katonah, while psychologists in Texas contributed discussions about adoption.
However, psychologists such as Stuart A. Newman and Gerd B. Müller have contributed to the idea in the 21st century.
Seventy seven commenters further noted that psychologists have contributed the majority of the evidence base supporting the use of behavioral interventions for obesity.
One of the ways that life-span developmental psychologists contribute to this function is by studying the various social policies implemented by the government and how such policies affect adolescents and children.
Industrial and organizational psychologists contribute to an organization's success by improving the performance, satisfaction, and well-being of its employees.