Long, who completed his clinical psychology training at Sydney University, added impetus to what Wong had earlier embarked upon.
Under his leadership, the Wright Institute broadened the educational scope of clinical psychology training to include an emphasis on understanding the diverse society in which we live.
I know from all my psychology training that anger seldom serves a useful purpose.
She is also a director of psychology training and day treatment programs at Manhattan Children's Psychiatric Center.
The psychology training had vividly shown through.
The new '5+1' pathway incorporates a 5-year university sequence in psychology training, followed by one year accredited workplace supervision under probationary conditions.
The Chicago School was established by practicing psychologists with the goal of providing high-quality professional psychology training in a not-for-profit setting.
I did poorly in the reverse psychology training, and I'm a terrible poker player.
He decides not to tell her directly and instead tries to use his psychology training to pull Lucille out again.
I believe that educational psychology training is longer in duration that the clinical equivalent, but I'm sure you know more about that than me.