Any possibility of a link between psychopathic behavior and certain forms of autism, such as Asperger's Syndrome?
The lack of mirror neurons is consistent in psychopathic behavior, thus lacking many normative empathetic responses (Tancredi, 2010).
These observations, never before documented, laid the groundwork for what is now a flourishing study of psychopathic behavior and its foundations.
When they get there, John starts to freak out, revealing his psychopathic behavior.
Some of the participants in the group had probably crossed the line from common obnoxious online behavior to downright psychopathic behavior.
In many of the categories that determine psychopathic behavior, the CEO's actually scored higher than the criminals.
He also provided valuable insights on the nature of psychopathic behavior.
He was also reported to be suffering from depression, psychopathic behavior, deviant behavior, anxiety, social introversion, drug addiction and alcoholism.
What about borderline personality disorder and psychopathic behavior?
A lot of expert witnesses were appointed in order to find the cause of Kot's psychopathic behaviour.