This axis allows clinicians to focus on the intensity of psychosocial stress, which may act as influencing agents in infant and childhood difficulties/disorders.
The authors argue inequality creates psychosocial stress and status anxiety that lead to social ills.
Patients sometimes present with an obvious history of psychosocial stress, in which case counselling and expectancy is relevant.
And psychosocial stress, like the trauma of becoming homeless, also has been found to worsen asthma.
In the event of mass trauma, clinicians, hospitals, and public health agencies should be prepared to treat injuries, disability, and psychosocial (individual and community) stress.
Additional information on psychosocial stress as a result of a catastrophic event can be found at:
The authors argue inequality leads to the social ills through the psychosocial stress, status anxiety it creates.
Acute psychosocial stress enhances the ability of an immune response to trigger both inflammation and behavioral sickness.
D'Amato and his team suggest that the man's hyperventilation is related to psychosocial stress brought on by the time he spent on Facebook.