A variety of psychotherapeutic techniques have been used to treat depersonalization disorder, such as cognitive behavioral therapy.
There are a number of pharmacological and psychotherapeutic techniques used to treat bipolar disorder.
The organization opposes a number of psychotherapeutic techniques which it considers potentially or actually harmful to children who undergo treatment.
The book challenged mainstream psychotherapeutic techniques at the time and gave her national recognition as a notable therapist in family therapy.
If more help is needed one might consider workshops that utilize psychodrama and psychotherapeutic techniques.
The psychotherapeutic technique that parallels tantra is called paradox.
Alternative treatments to a stimulant medication range from natural products to psychotherapeutic techniques and highly technological interventions.
As a psychotherapeutic technique, it is used to treat phobia and anxiety disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder.
For them one or more psychotherapeutic techniques may be very helpful.
The gnostic movement shared certain affinities with contemporary methods of exploring the self through psychotherapeutic techniques.