This psychotherapeutic treatment, called Morita, holds as its central premise that neurotic suffering comes, quite literally, from extreme self-awareness.
The choice of psychotherapeutic treatment is based on the psychiatric pathology found.
They may require psychotherapeutic treatment for the individual's own good.
Its mission was to ensure public safety through the psychotherapeutic treatment of "Defective Delinquents."
In some cases, referral for psychotherapeutic treatment may be recommended prior to or in lieu of testing.
The good works do not earn salvation, but are part of a psychotherapeutic treatment to preserve salvation and purity.
Psychologists usually receive more thorough training in research methods, psychological assessment, and psychotherapeutic treatment, compared with psychiatrists.
Traumatic events, which are sought in psychoanalysis, may then become accessible to psychotherapeutic treatment.
This experience can then serve as a starting point for a restructuring and curing of the patient's personality in the accompanying psychotherapeutic treatment.
This clearer recognition of problems and conflicts makes them, in turn, more susceptible to psychotherapeutic treatment.