The incident represented a significant defeat for public activism in Tokyo.
Still, in some cases, public activism has yielded quick rewards.
The group began to discuss and address agricultural issues as well, marking the beginning of her public activism for organic farming methods.
The narrative arc here is from public activism to individual redemption.
What White refused to do, even before becoming president, was affiliate with any of the very public activism by blacks within the past few years.
But some officials said they believed that the oil spill had only accelerated a trend of growing public activism that began years ago.
Local public activism can and usually is demoralised when a council of dumbos completely fail to keep up.
He said such public activism, as well as new government policies, were essential for China's future.
In 1975 Ceballos retired from public activism to start a business.
During this time public activism helped Woodland get a library, a city park, and an improved cemetery.