"This is a far cry from a general public assessment designed and effected to provide financial support for a church," Justice Kennedy said.
It has also provided a forum for brutal public assessments of Ms. Collins and her writing ability.
In some societies the former is thought more admirable; people should know if they have done well without public assessment.
Some form of public assessment, then, has to be accepted.
Neither man ever gave a public assessment of the security situation that remotely approached the one Bremer gives here.
The answer, he will suggest, is using public assessments of care to pressurise managers and clinical staff to improve.
On Griffith's valuation the various local and public assessments were made.
But State Department officials said this is the first time the administration is presenting a somewhat detailed, public assessment of such activities.
Concern about crime includes public assessments of the size of the crime problem.
But neither offered any public assessment today, instead retreating for quiet time and food with families.